Saturday, February 6, 2021

The GOP is the Greatest Threat To America in the Last 150 years.

When Trump announced he was running in 2015, I knew that Trump would actively try to destroy our republic and its democratic institutions. I knew he would do this in 2015 because I knew, from years of watching, who and what Donald Trump was.

As this article demonstrates, a vast coalition, even including wealthy businessmen, came together not to defeat Donald Trump, but to ensure that we had free and fair elections, which Trump did not want because Trump is a tyrant.
Even the surviving Koch brother, himself a far right-wing propaganda expert and massive contributor to right-wing causes, did not want to be part of Trump's attempts to openly destroy democracy.
This was not a "shadow campaign" to me and other people who fought for fairer voting laws. We knew we were fighting a battle to save the very thing that made America into America - democratic FREE elections.
Trump was and IS a fucking tyrant. And, unfortunately, he's left behind a GOP that is now thoroughly radicalized on behalf of fascist policies.
It's no coincidence that Republicans now love Putin. Putin was the one who showed them how to put a thin veneer of democracy over top of a fascist oligarchy. Russia is not a real democracy and the events of the last two weeks should show that. And THAT is what Republicans want, because they know that their positions, largely based on white supremacy and bowing down to the rich, are very unpopular.
Democrats control the House but not by a wide margin yet those Democrats represent 60 million more people than Republicans do. The senate is split 50-50 yet Democratic senators represent 40 million more people than Republicans do. Republicans only rule where they rule by cheating, by gerrymandering, by suppressing the vote of minorities, by making voting unnecessarily hard, expensive, and troublesome. Republicans are tyrants!
In response to massive voter turnout, Republican states across the country are rushing to impose voter suppression laws because they can't win unless they cheat.
This is not Ike's GOP. It's not even Nixon's GOP anymore. It's a deeply radicalized fascist party that has seized control of the Republican name.
There's a reason that the Joe Walshes, George Wills, and so many other traditional Republicans are no longer Republicans.
The thing that calls itself the GOP today is the gravest threat to this nation in the last 150 years. Even more than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, because those were external but this is internal and too many Americans refuse to realize that the GOP is now a party of tyranny.

 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election


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