Saturday, April 20, 2019

Sunday, April 14, 2019

DeVos Will Recommend the Removal of Civil Rights Protections for Students of Color

DeVos Will Recommend the Removal of Civil Rights Protections for Students of Color

Betsy Devos has not yet made this recommendation, yet, that the linked article discusses. And that is probably because of the massive blowback that came after trying to remove protections and programs to support special needs students. They're going to let this die down before they come back to racial protections as a target.
Now some of you still want to think they are not that blatant. Some of you want to think that the 1964 Civil Rights Act is "settled law". And indeed, Trump and his religious bigot cronies have no intention of striking down the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Instead, they plan to create a system of exemptions from its application, based on religious belief.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Conservative Fallacy That Civil Rights Can be Improved Via The Free Market

It's a standard conservative argument that the free market will fix civil rights issues. But let me ask you a question - if the free market is so good at fixing civil rights issues, why did the plight of blacks in America not improve much at all from 1865 to 1964? The free market did nothing for 99 years. Entire lives were lived under Jim Crow laws. Blacks were routinely lynched for just looking the wrong way. Where was the free market? How long should oppressed people wait for the free market to "fix" civil rights issues? Should they wait a century? A thousand years? Ten thousand years? How long?

The Second Amendment And Slave Patrols

The second amendment was conceived primarily as a means to allow slave holding states to maintain their slave patrols. It is important to remember this history and not fall into the trap of believing that the second amendment is about protecting the nation at all.

I will demonstrate this by referring to the words of the founding fathers themselves.

Pete Buttigieg's Record As Mayor Is Not Pretty

This is not my research but I wanted to preserve it because it is comprehensive about things he could control as mayor yet totally failed to do, or simply did not care. Pete Buttigieg is getting support from the wealthy precisely because he is one of their own and he won’t rock the boat against them. He is not a progressive! Feel free to share this far and wide. I may add to it over time as well. Pete Buttigieg is not one of us.

The Southern Strategy Is Real

The Southern Strategy is real and I have the proof – a PDF of a May 17, 1970 NY Times article where they interviewed Kevin Phillips, the man who created the Southern Strategy for Richard Nixon.

Here are some sample transcribed quotes from the article.

Normalizing Relationships With Conspiracy Theorists Will Get People Killed

Today, in my daily email briefings from various media that I subscribe to, I received a short missive from Kate Woodsome of the Washington P...