Saturday, April 20, 2019

More on "Mayor Pete" and His Extensive Problematic Positions On Almost Everything

Buttigieg deliberately gentrified South Bend, forcing hundreds into homelessness and personally profiting from this cruelty.

Real Estate Developers Gave Thousands to Buttigieg After He Gentrified South Bend

This wasn't the first time he was criticized for this either.

Buttigieg Drew Criticism for Trying to ‘Gentrify’ South Bend

The damage he caused was extensive to black and Hispanic communities.

What Happened When Pete Buttigieg Tore Down Houses In Black And Latino South Bend

And after he drove the poor out of their homes, he went as close as he could get legally to not allowing them to stay in South Bend at all.

South Bend will stop short of banning homeless encampments


After Israeli forces slaughtered women and children, Buttigieg said the responses of the IDF were "moving" yet he had no words of compassion for those killed.

After Gaza Slaughter, Buttigieg Praised Israeli Security Responses as ‘Moving’ and Faulted Democrats for Easy Judgment


He doesn't understand Medicare For All or even support it correctly.

Buttigieg: 'Medicare for all' wouldn't end private insurance


He had previously tried to defend firing the black chief of police but now is backtracking and trying a mea culpa instead. Which is it, Pete? Do you really care or are you just flip-flopping for votes?

Pete Buttigieg: Firing South Bend police chief was 'first serious mistake as mayor'

Meawhile, as Buttigieg defended white racist cops, he also allowed those racist cops to be promoted over more senior and experienced black police officers.

South Bend cop sues city over alleged discrimination in police department hiring, promotions


We also have Buttigieg not understanding or caring about whistleblowers who see and report criminal activity by our government.

Pete Buttigieg “troubled” by clemency for Chelsea Manning


Buttigieg wants students to continue to go deeply into debt for college.

Buttigieg Rejects Free College


Buttigieg opposed a $15 per hour minimum wage and thinks $10 per hour would be enough.

Does Indiana need $10 an hour minimum wage?


Finally, "Mayor Pete" is the quintessential corporate Democrat, taking donations even from Rupert Murdoch's own son.

Rupert Murdoch's son among donors to Buttigieg campaign

He has other corporate and right wing donors as well. And people trust him? With his record as mayor and this sort of financial support?

Buttigieg debuted Washington ambitions through 2018 PAC donations

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