Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Pete Buttigieg's Record As Mayor Is Not Pretty

This is not my research but I wanted to preserve it because it is comprehensive about things he could control as mayor yet totally failed to do, or simply did not care. Pete Buttigieg is getting support from the wealthy precisely because he is one of their own and he won’t rock the boat against them. He is not a progressive! Feel free to share this far and wide. I may add to it over time as well. Pete Buttigieg is not one of us.

Pete's record related to the poor and disenfranchised in South Bend:

He caused an eviction crisis in South bend, due to his aggressive policies to tear down homes in order to gentrify, which contributed to the doubling of the eviction rate there while the eviction rate nation wide went down while he was in office.

A rise in child homelessness while he was Mayor.

He didn't have a plan for affordable homes when he started tearing houses down and he couldn't make a deal made with the state for affordable homes when the obvious crisis happened.

His indecision to help the homeless.

His defense of his homeless polices is all rhetorical platitude.

Deep poverty among blacks rose as the rest of the city recovered from the recession.

Blacks Below 50% of Poverty:

2010: 22.8%
2011: 23.2%

Pete Buttigieg Elected

2012: 21.5%
2013: 23.1%
2014: 23.1%
2015: 24.6%
2016: 23.9%
2017: 24.4%

The rise in violent crimes after he took office(murder, rape, car theft, assault)

Why does he think he can solve issues like this on a national scale as President when it wasn't his priority as Mayor? That is what clear policy is for, so people can vet what you are going to do. People will understand your philosophy based on your policy. This guy just delivers platitudes so he doesn't have to commit to anything and so he won't reveal that he doesn't actually care about solving real problems or that he can't be blamed for unforeseen consequences.


On the other hand, Pete is very clear about one policy:

"After Gaza slaughter, Pete Buttigieg praised Israeli security responses as ‘moving’ and faulted Democrats for easy judgment"

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